Raider Io Addon (2025)

1. Raider.IO AddOn & Desktop App

  • When is the RaiderIO addon ...

  • Companion addon to go along with the Raid and Mythic+ Rankings site, Raider.IO. With this addon installed, you'll gain access to an easy way to view the Mythic Keystone scores and Raid Progress for players-- all without leaving the game!

2. Addon Not Updating - Raider.IO

  • The addon is updated throughout the day. If you are using the Twitch Client then you will only have access to one addon database update per day. The Raider.

  • Raider.IO is a World of Warcraft (WoW) Mythic+ and Raid Progression rankings site! You can view your Character & Guild Profiles, check your Mythic+ scores & Raid Progress, follow the Race to World First, and much more.

3. Raider.IO: Welcome to Our Help Site

  • Raider.IO Addon and Client · How does the Raider.IO... · Raider.IO Account · Login

  • Raider.IO is a World of Warcraft (WoW) Mythic+ and Raid Progression rankings site! You can view your Character & Guild Profiles, check your Mythic+ scores & Raid Progress, follow the Race to World First, and much more.

4. Raider IO Score and Raid Progress

5. AddOn Keeps Saying It Is Out Of Date - Raider.IO

  • AddOn Keeps Saying It Is Out Of Date. Our recommended way to use the RaiderIO Addon is with the RaiderIO Desktop Client. This app will keep the addon updated ...

  • Raider.IO is a World of Warcraft (WoW) Mythic+ and Raid Progression rankings site! You can view your Character & Guild Profiles, check your Mythic+ scores & Raid Progress, follow the Race to World First, and much more.

6. Raider.IO Addon Guide - World of Warcraft Dragonflight

  • 1 mei 2023 · Raider.IO is a rankings website for raids and Mythic+ dungeons. The Raider.IO addon is a companion tool for the site that makes its ...

  • Raider.IO is a rankings website for raids and Mythic+ dungeons. The Raider.IO addon is a companion tool for the site that makes its information available in-game. You will be able to see all of a character's Mythic+ dungeon and raid progress in their tooltip, as well as that of their…

7. Tooltip not showing in game - Raider.IO

  • Verify the addon is installed, enabled, and you are able to access the settings by typing /rio into your chat box. · Under the settings, please verify you have ...

  • Raider.IO is a World of Warcraft (WoW) Mythic+ and Raid Progression rankings site! You can view your Character & Guild Profiles, check your Mythic+ scores & Raid Progress, follow the Race to World First, and much more.

8. Raider.Io Guide | Wow Rankings | Following Meta | Instructions

  • 28 sep 2023 · The raid progression rankings site, as well as its in-game addon, offers a range of features that give insights into player performance, dungeon ...

  • All about the Raider io with a true guide. Scores, features, and how it compares to Blizzard's Mythic+ Rating. Your key to mastering Azeroth! With a secret information in how use the RIO if you're top of MDI ✅ Epiccarry - Best Boost Service ⭐️

9. Do I still need the raider io addon? - Blizzard Forums

  • 1 jul 2021 · They made their score identical to the in-game score, so if you just want to see the number next to the player, you don't need the addon.

  • Just wondering now that we have the built in m+ score is there any benefit to having the rio addon or can I just delete it now? And what are others doing, keeping it or not bothering?

10. Incorrect raid progression/kill in the tooltip - Raider.IO

  • If the tooltip showing the incorrect number of kills, then please check the following: Your addon may be out of date. Update your character on the site and ...

  • Raider.IO is a World of Warcraft (WoW) Mythic+ and Raid Progression rankings site! You can view your Character & Guild Profiles, check your Mythic+ scores & Raid Progress, follow the Race to World First, and much more.

11. World of Warcraft Rankings for Mythic+ and Raid Progress

  • Raider.IO Year in Review: 2023. Guild, Player, & M+ Team Recruitment. About ... RaiderIO Addon & Client · Advanced Search · Developer API · Branding Guidelines.

  • A top World of Warcraft (WoW) Mythic+ and Raiding site featuring character & guild profiles, Mythic+ Scores, Raid Progress, Guild Recruitment, the Race to World First, and more.

12. Raider.IO Score

  • Raider.IO Logo. Raider.IO · AddOn. Display every color. 3850+ #ff8000. 3685+ #fa7736. 3565+ #f46e53. 3445+ #ed656c. 3325+ #e55c84. 3205+ #dc539b. 3085+ #d04ab2.

  • Display every color

13. [ how-to ] add notes on players in addon - MMO-Champion

  • 23 feb 2021 · Q: can i add notes on players in addon? A: Yes. But it requires some coding skill. And you will need to update this every time you ...

  • Q: can i add notes on players in addon? A: Yes. But it requires some coding skill. And you will need to update this every time you redownload the addon (might still work if you just transfer the old files into the new download) 1. Go to your addons folder and into the folder. 2. Open core.lua. 3. Press ctrl-a to highlight everything in the file. 4. Copy that to the clipboard. 5. Go to some online lua editor (for the purpose of finding line numbers) or use

14. Raider.IO Launches Mythic Plus Addon - Actualités Wowhead

  • 20 okt 2017 · Raider.IO has just launched their new Mythic Plus Addon which will show a player's Mythic+ Raider.IO Score on In-Game Tooltips.

  • Raider.IO has just launched their new Mythic Plus Addon which will show a player's Mythic+ Raider.IO Score on In-Game Tooltips. If you use the Group Finder for Mythic Plus, this addon can help you vet your applicants faster and get a link directly to their Raider.IO profile.

15. What are the minimum requirements for my character to be ... - Raider.IO

  • For your characters to be included in the addon they must first meet the activity requirements and not have enabled any privacy settings that would hide ...

  • Raider.IO is a World of Warcraft (WoW) Mythic+ and Raid Progression rankings site! You can view your Character & Guild Profiles, check your Mythic+ scores & Raid Progress, follow the Race to World First, and much more.

Raider Io Addon (2025)


How to get a 2500 mythic rating? ›

How do I get my 2500 rating for Mythic Plus? You will need to complete Mythic Plus Dungeons within the Dragonflight dungeons pool. To minimize the time in which you will get your Mythic Score, try to complete as high keys as possible.

How to get a better Raider io score? ›

Characters can increase their overall IO Score by surpassing their previous best either by running the dungeon at a higher level or running it at the same level as their previous best, but completing it faster.

What is the minimum score in Raider IO? ›

For anything related to your score, dungeon runs and role you need to have a minimum IO score of 200.

How often does the addon update? ›

The addon is updated throughout the day. If you are using the Twitch Client then you will only have access to one addon database update per day.

What does +++ mean in mythic plus? ›

Multiple ''+'' like the OP mentioned, like +++5 for instance, means the group is looking to time the key as fast as possible to the new keystone turns into an +8 rather than a +6.

Is a 2000 mythic rating good? ›

2,000 Mythic+ rating is equivalent to completing a +15 in every dungeon both Tyrannical and Fortified. Since the achievement is based on rating instead of completing a +15, this means that you can complete a +14 in one dungeon and replace it with a +16 in another dungeon!

Why doesn t raider io show main score? ›

The player may be running an outdated database. Ensure that they've updated to the latest version of the app. Your score is not high enough in the current or previous season. We require that players have earned at least 200 points to be included in the database.

How does Raider IO get its data? ›

Blizzard provides third-party sites like RaiderIO access to both Mythic+ Leaderboards and a Mythic+ API. These two sources of Mythic+ data allow us to see all the runs that have been recorded during the week for a given realm and dungeon.

How do you mark an alt in Raider io? ›

How do I mark a character as my Main / why is my alt not displaying my Mains information?
  1. Log in to, and navigate to your Settings.
  2. Select the desired character to be your Main from the left bar.
  3. Check 'Mark as Main Character.

What does IO mean in Raider io? ›

IO domain is a relatively new top-level-domain that is intended to represent the Indian Ocean.

Can I make my raider IO private? ›

You can access your privacy settings by going under the settings of the Raider IO page, clicking on a character on the left hand side, and then clicking the Privacy link that will show under it.

How do I claim a character in Raider io? ›

Claim Your Characters

Click the Claim Your Characters link at the top of your screen, or choose the My Account > Settings option from the dropdown.

How do I increase my raider IO score? ›

  1. score. ...
  2. Getting in voice is a cheat code. ...
  3. Reroll to a better class. ...
  4. Stop using LFG. ...
  5. IO is your foot in the door. ...
  6. Make your own group. ...
  7. Playing with people who are better than you. ...
  8. Be willing to do keys that are not score for you for practice.
Jul 18, 2020

When did Raider IO start? ›

That's exactly what provides. Since its launch in January 2017, it's become the most popular add-on tool in the WoW community, even scoring a partnership with Blizzard to provide open registration for WoW competitions in 2024.

What is Raider IO live tracking? ›

Live Tracking allows you to have your Raids and Mythic+ runs instantly tracked via your WoW Combat Log. You'll get several immediate benefits with this feature: Instant updates on the site. Right after you finish a boss or Mythic+ run the progress updates will appear right away on the site.

What is the 2500 mythic rating achievement? ›

Pushing it even further to a 2500 Mythic rating gets you Dragonflight Keystone Hero: Season Three and Dragonflight Season 3 Hero. This provides you with an account-wide unlock, the Emerald Blossom Dreamstone. This item reward activates a visual effect for some of Amidrassil's class sets.

How do you get mythic rating fast? ›

Mythic+ Rating

The higher the keystone level and the faster you run, the more score you get for each dungeon. Getting invited or accepted to M+ dungeon runs depends heavily on your mythic+ score, so you should strive to raise it as high as possible!

How to get 3000 rating mythic plus? ›

To get 3000 Mythic+ score, you need to complete all Mythic+ dungeons at keystone level 13 within timer. The better your times with the dungeons, the more score you earn, so you may not need to complete every single dungeon at the same level.

How do you get a 2000 M+ rating in WoW? ›

If you want to obtain Keystone Master Achievement you must have 2000 Mythic+ rating, which is the combination of all keys done on both Tyrannical and Fortified on at least 15 keystone level, compared to the old system where you had to complete all dungeons on a 15-level, regardless of whether it was Fortified or ...


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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.